Monday, October 15, 2007

Gross Mason

your wiry, spidery arms reach out to me
softly and slowly
grazing my shoulder
making me shudder,
a sudden draft over my left.

lazily my eyes' sight grazes the corner
but i return to my tedious task
ignorant that you are still there

looming, you whisper something inaudible and breathy
something I take to mean you are not interested
not in me or in this place we cohabit
so I shrug my shoulders and hum to myself
a song I learned while unawares
(something from the radio of my subconscious
which has found it's way onto my lips from some hidden memory)

a hear cotton candy being unspun;
it caresses my ear
filling me with ether so that you begin to frighten me
the way a child is afraid of the dark
but sleeps fitfully

at daybreak I cannot see past the mesh
(however did I arrive here?)
you’ve done your crafty work with my silent consent
and I am yours now,
I suppose.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Teaching Dilemma #13

Oh Crap! I know this particular post will seem incredibly unprofessional but I must put this somewhere!

I spent the past 2 weeks playing phone tag with a guy who said he wanted to begin lessons but is a total beginner. Turns out he's a Rutgers student and he wants to break into Bollywood. So, in my head I had this picture of what he probably looks like and what he's possibly like and so I was COMPLETELY unprepared for the person who showed up at my door.

He's freaking HOT! I was in my skankiest jeans, hair in a bun, totally not caring if I looked good or not and when I saw him I held out my hand professionally and shook his. Meanwhile, as I'm going through my whole, "so you think you want to sing" speech, my screaming brain was like, "what the hell?!? where did you come from?" He's about 6'4", an ex basketball player who now "just lift weights". He drives a cute little sports car (couldn't tell what kind but saw him jump in it across the street) and he's actually a pretty decent singer, for a total beginner. He thinks he can be the next generation of Bollywood singers but actually has a fairly decent R&B sound so that's another route he can take. I'm just floored I have to teach this colossal package of beef every week now!

Jaw on floor.