Friday, October 5, 2012

Cleaning out my closets

It's funny how the psyche works. For the past few months I've had this nagging compulsion to tidy up my life. I don't just mean file a few papers or organize my iTunes playlists. I mean everything.  I don't have a lot of time so I haven't gotten very far but here's what I've managed to do so far:

1. Clean up the garage. What that meant was going through boxes of stuff, throwing out things that were obviously garbage, reorganize and reboxing a BUTTLOAD of books that will eventually be donated or sold, restacking everything so it's not taking up so much space and then sweeping. 

2. Clean up basement and paint it white then get remnant carpeting for floor. This has proven to be much harder and is still a work in progress. Before doing any of this I needed workmen to come in and remove some old cabinets left by the past homeowners. That got done a few weeks ago. All of the paint/tools/etc from that cabinet is now at least in boxes or bins. I have an Ikea unit I need to build to put the TV and Wii on but first I need to paint. I have not had time to actually paint. Also, there are boxes of more books and random crap in the basement that need to be reboxed and binned, organized and stacked. So... it's going to be a while before the basement is ready.

3. I did make a call today that will hopefully make getting rid of books easier. Turns out the local community college will take most of our books if we can get them over there. So one week I will make that a priority. I swear we have about 20-30 boxes of books.

4. Clothes. I've started sorting clothes - mine and Rich's and I'm bagging and binning and donating. Also promises to be a long term project.

5. Kitchen items. I barely cook and yet there is so much clutter in the kitchen cabinets. For starters, today I carefully wrapped an old china set we had been given. I labeled the box clearly, taped it up and put it in the garage. Why did we even have that out? 

It occurred to me that I'm packing things up as if we're moving. We're not. We're about to redo the bathroom. But somewhere deep in my psyche I feel like I'm preparing for that possibility and I don't want to be scrambling at the last minute. Weird.