Monday, April 13, 2015

Desert Fish

Imagine being in a desert. The sun is beating down on you. Sand and cacti for miles. Yet you spot a source of clear, blue, fresh water. Only about a foot away from you. Except you’re down on the ground. Legs and arms mangled. So you wriggle your way to the edge of the water. You can smell its sweet freshness. You bring your lips to it and you take a sip. You take two sips. Then it moves away. It moves 2 feet to your left. Despite your fatigue, you start to writhe on your belly in that direction. This goes on for 20 years. For 20 years you are playing this game with the water in the desert. Sometimes your legs and arms get just healthy enough for you to walk to the water or reach out for it. But then it moves faster and further so you have to chase it. Sometimes you are able to take a very good clear drink and feel refreshed for days. But always it is fleeting. The water refuses to stay and allow you to have your fill. If you got healthy and strong enough you could choose to leave the desert. Walk right out and into another sphere. But you live in this desert. And the day you are waiting for is the day you are strong enough to catch up to the water and dive right in. The day you are able to dive into the water. That will be the day. You will then finally become a proud desert fish.