Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I am procrastinating. And I know it.

I came home ready to start putting together study notes for biology, check over my math homework, read all the World Literature assignments and prepare tomorrow's homework. Those were my intentions. Instead I've completely rearranged my farm on Farmville (a virtual reality game on Facebook), spoken to my mom, eaten very healthy food (at least there's that) and contemplated tackling the world literature assignment. I'm still contemplating it. I gathered the stuff then realized one of the articles which I've already made notes on is missing. I think I left it upstairs. With my bum foot I don't relish the thought of climbing the stairs to find it but I can't finish the homework without it. So, what am I doing? Sitting here writing this instead.

Oh, and I called my friend David a few seconds ago cuz he's usually very good about returning phone calls and texts and he hasn't this week. Wondering if he's okay.

Aside from that I just don't feel terribly motivated. But I've now procrastinated for a good 2 hours. It's probably time to stop it. I will go upstairs and see if I left that article there.


That's what I'm going to do.



I mean... now.

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