Friday, December 24, 2010

My Christmas Poem.

You Prob'ly think this Poem's about You.

Your love have I always chased down.

for years I kissed your feet.

I lingered here; there followed you

never ever feeling complete.

I joined you at the equator

where I melted in the burning sun.

My boots did not shield me from freezing

When through Antarctica we’d run.

Disheartened and in shatters

In a dark room alone I mused.

“would I ever be a person

who’s emotions you’d not abuse?”

the answer came from my candle

as it flickered to light breezy draft.

My transparency was suicidal,

my obstinance - clinically daft.

so it’s taken me quite by surprise -

the reaction to my retreat.

you seem sullen and shaken and cross.

cold attentions though previously unseen.

never garnered I more a reaction

than I have since the day I refused

to have anymore dealings with your kind;

choosing no more to be misused.

Your slack jaw and wide eyes are laughable

as on Christmas you bend to the tree

noting emptiness there in the space

where there used to be presents from me.

it amazes me you cannot fathom

whatever brought on this change.

you have stomped and cursed and hollered

but the truth of the matter remains

that you have as much care for my feelings

as a toad might have care for a fly

and you’ve given your own misdealings

every pass, every sickening decry.

Yet you paint me as a villain -

a shrew, a miser, a witch

but I’ll have you know that I’m over you.

"Merry Christmas", your favorite bitch.

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