Friday, February 26, 2016

Well meaning people!!!

THIS IS OFFICIALLY A RANT... (you've been warned)

SHUT UP!! Just shut up!!!! I hate it when people try to push their agendas down your throat all the while making it seem like they're just telling you a story about something that happened to them. Or they're just telling you what THEY do!!! Listen, assholes. I have been around the block a few times. I'm not overreacting or being oversensitive. I read between the lines very well. Sometimes, it's true... someone really is just telling you something about themselves. Something they do or like to do or they have a system for doing something and they're sharing. I'm like 1000% okay with that!! I really am. In fact, that's when I listen. When I feel it's genuinely just a retelling and if I get something out of it, great, if not, the person speaking isn't at all invested in whether or not I want to follow their example. That's totally cool with me. 

It's the fucking assholes in my life who tell how "Oh, I use my Fitbit every day... have you tried that?" or "If you just skim the fat off the top of the roast, it really cuts the fat way down... that's what I do." Those people. You know... they claim they're not trying to proselytize but they totally ARE! I find that shit so fucking aggravating! The worst is when it's a pseudo friend. You know the ones. You're friends... mostly. But what they don't realize is they do this pretty regularly and you limit your exposure to them because they don't even realize they're doing it. And the one time you attempted to gently clue them in, they vehemently denied that this was their motivation. So fine... I guess I'll just continue to avoid you and you can continue to wonder why. 

People sometimes are unconscious of their own motivations so I get it. I'm sure I'm guilty too. I probably do some version of this. But I really do try not to. I just had to get it off my chest because someone just did this to me and it just annoyed the freaking beJesus out of me!!

Okay... done.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a blog just like this once, but then I realized that...
